Today, the International Studies Association were showing the film 'A Small Act'. I went along to watch because i've been getting involved in this club, as I mentioned in my previous post, with the cultural survey that the ISA is forming. Regardless, the film was really moving. It told the story of a Swedish foundation which supports Kenyan children in their High School education. The foundation was started by a guy, who himself had been supported by a Swedish lady.
From this he had gone onto Harvard Law and now worked for the United Nations in Human Rights (my dream). Anyway, it was really interesting and really sad because only some of the children were to be supported by this fund. The Primary School children had to achieve a 380 on their tests to gain a scholarship, these tests seemed literally so hard for someone so young. There was a lot of pressure on these children to perform, as they were dirt poor. One girl didn't have a house and the other boy had a very sick mother. The focus of the film was on these three children, none managed to get the desired 380. So, it was decided by the foundation they would lower the grade boundaries, because the national average was that much lower. Even so, the foundation only supported one of the boys mentioned, the two other girls were left without a scholarship. This would mean that they would leave school, and in a few years be married, and with children, struggling to eat. Luckily, the production team of the family decided to fund these two girls' education. It makes you realize how much you take education for granted. Even in a relatively well developed African nation, the disparities between rich and poor are so huge. For me, everytime I watch a documentary on anything like this, it only reinforces that I want to work in this field.
On a side note, if you want to spruce up your room with drawings/paintings of celebrities, my very talented housemate just launched a website. This is her brilliant drawing of Cara Delevingne..if you are interested in acquiring a print, this is the link:
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Hello everyone,
It's nice that it's the weekend already again.
I managed to get involved in a new project this week with Professor Haupt and the International Studies Association. Haupt asked the Ambassadors and Pangea Club, if they'd be willing to be part of a research project into Cultural Globalization. Basically looking at how well international students fit into College life, what they think of America, and in turn what Americans think of International students. Really trying to answer the question, how interconnected is America to the rest of the world?
So we got together this week to brainstorm some questions, identify who we are going to ask on campus and hopefully arrange a video of some willing participants. I'm quite willing to get involved with this because this type of thing does quite interest me and I really miss taking major related classes.
I also enjoyed a nice evening up in the mountains this week. It's a place called Cold Springs Tavern, maybe half an hour drive up the mountains. Go before sunset and then you can watch the sunset over the entire coastline of Santa Barbara, it was really nice. And the place has log fires, it reminds me of an English Pub a lot, really cosy, close atmosphere with meals that reminded me of my families cooking. I also went to the Butterfly preserve today just slightly north of Isla Vista, it is really relaxing. There's quite a few huge butterflies in the forest and if you continue walking you reach the ocean.
I'm feeling pretty tired at the moment, sometimes College can feel like a balancing act. But i'm very excited to go to the Oscar's ceremony rehearsal next Saturday. My Dad luckily works a lot with production and the film industry, so he was able to get me and one of my friends inside! As for the Pangea Club, things are going well, we have new members and are currently thinking about sponsoring a Syrian child. This week the Ambassadors have organized a language exchange program with over 170 people attending. I think this is a very good opportunity for students to meet others with the same language skill set as them, or to learn a new language.
I've also been watching the conflict in Ukraine quite avidly, as last semester my research paper was on predicting the events that would occur in Ukraine after the EU decision. This was when the President of Ukriane, or ex-President now, decided to side with Russia instead of the European Union, which amounted in the conflict we have seen since. Now after weeks of protests, and shocking scenes of siege, the President is gone and a warrant for his arrest has been made. However, Russia of course will not be happy with this turn of events. They don't want to see Ukraine forming an alliance with the West, this is now considerably likely with new elections and a new government being formed in the upcoming months. I think what is most noticeable here is how the pressure of the people led to a revolution. I think the President thought that once his decision was made with Russia, the people would take it because they would see how the deal on gas could benefit. However, it was not enough.
It's nice that it's the weekend already again.
So we got together this week to brainstorm some questions, identify who we are going to ask on campus and hopefully arrange a video of some willing participants. I'm quite willing to get involved with this because this type of thing does quite interest me and I really miss taking major related classes.
I also enjoyed a nice evening up in the mountains this week. It's a place called Cold Springs Tavern, maybe half an hour drive up the mountains. Go before sunset and then you can watch the sunset over the entire coastline of Santa Barbara, it was really nice. And the place has log fires, it reminds me of an English Pub a lot, really cosy, close atmosphere with meals that reminded me of my families cooking. I also went to the Butterfly preserve today just slightly north of Isla Vista, it is really relaxing. There's quite a few huge butterflies in the forest and if you continue walking you reach the ocean.

I've also been watching the conflict in Ukraine quite avidly, as last semester my research paper was on predicting the events that would occur in Ukraine after the EU decision. This was when the President of Ukriane, or ex-President now, decided to side with Russia instead of the European Union, which amounted in the conflict we have seen since. Now after weeks of protests, and shocking scenes of siege, the President is gone and a warrant for his arrest has been made. However, Russia of course will not be happy with this turn of events. They don't want to see Ukraine forming an alliance with the West, this is now considerably likely with new elections and a new government being formed in the upcoming months. I think what is most noticeable here is how the pressure of the people led to a revolution. I think the President thought that once his decision was made with Russia, the people would take it because they would see how the deal on gas could benefit. However, it was not enough.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Unexpected Moments
Hi all,
I hope you are enjoying this lovely long weekend.
I've just been Skyping my mum back home, and she was telling me they had no power again for sixteen hours. The weather is showing no let up in the South of England, I think she definitely needs a visit. Basically, where we live in Surrey is one of the 'home counties' meaning it is directly surrounding London. So when huge storms come, as they have since December because of whats going on on the East Coast of the US, the Thames flood bank is raised. This means that the area of London is protected, but that the Home Counties then flood. It is getting pretty serious with the winds and buildings collapsing, so I really hope it passes. I'm not likely to send any pictures of the lovely weather we've had over here this weekend.
I went on my first Field Trip with CC this week, to Elling's park and the Douglas Preserve. It was a bit different from my school trips growing up. Really beautiful scenery, I am anxious to see as much as I can of SB, before I leave. The mountains on one side and the coastline on the other, is so beautiful, makes me never want to leave. It is also ironic because we were being taught about the drought that California is experiencing, when back home it's the complete opposite. But it was noticeable how barren the land looked across SB. My Professor was definitely anxious about a possible forest fire occurring soon.
In other news, I went to Butterfly Beach in Montecito and it is so nice. I think Montecito must be the nicest place i've ever been. I was also lucky enough to spend the evening there at Trattoria Mollie, on Valentines day. I was treated to a lovely meal, it's very Italian inside and a lovely atmosphere, so if you ever feel you want a luxurious evening, this is very much a good spot. Also, with a lot more spare time this semester, at last, I really like going on bike rides around Isla Vista. There are a lot of trails that take you out of Isla Vista and past 'Sands Beach', it is really pretty and good exercise. I've given up with running, I am really lazy if I don't have a dog. I keep trying not to think about transferring, there is a lot of worry surrounding it. I don't know where I will be accepted, I have to move my furniture somehow, make new friends, completely new start. I am definitely revelling in the possibility of being part of a four-year place academically, but i'm really going to miss it here. I think the best tactic is just to enjoy my time left here, and just let things pan out as they will. One thing I sorted is to spend part of Spring Break at Salt River, Arizona, hopefully tubing. I am a huge worrier, so i'm sure the next two months will be full of sleepless nights!
I hope you are enjoying this lovely long weekend.
I've just been Skyping my mum back home, and she was telling me they had no power again for sixteen hours. The weather is showing no let up in the South of England, I think she definitely needs a visit. Basically, where we live in Surrey is one of the 'home counties' meaning it is directly surrounding London. So when huge storms come, as they have since December because of whats going on on the East Coast of the US, the Thames flood bank is raised. This means that the area of London is protected, but that the Home Counties then flood. It is getting pretty serious with the winds and buildings collapsing, so I really hope it passes. I'm not likely to send any pictures of the lovely weather we've had over here this weekend.
I went on my first Field Trip with CC this week, to Elling's park and the Douglas Preserve. It was a bit different from my school trips growing up. Really beautiful scenery, I am anxious to see as much as I can of SB, before I leave. The mountains on one side and the coastline on the other, is so beautiful, makes me never want to leave. It is also ironic because we were being taught about the drought that California is experiencing, when back home it's the complete opposite. But it was noticeable how barren the land looked across SB. My Professor was definitely anxious about a possible forest fire occurring soon.
Head Chef of Trattoria with Obama |
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Hello everyone. Hope you had a good week.
I'm up early this morning watching the Rugby because England are playing Scotland in the Six Nations. This is a tournament where England, France, Scotland, Italy and Wales, play each other over six weeks. My family are quite big rugby fans, especially my brother who is incredibly good at it. There are a couple of boys who have made the English squad, who grew up in the same area as me, so we are anxious to support them. It's a bit like American Football, but without pads/any protection, and without any stops. Anyway we are 13-0 up, so we should win! Weather still looks gross back home, the stadium pitch is so muddy, and the clouds look really grey. I also hear SBCC has a really good rugby team, learn something new everyday. Below is the song that every English fan holds very dear!
I watched 'Following' directed by Christopher Nolan for Film Studies this week. It was really low budget, but really perplexing and cleverly done. I am missing doing any Political Science, so I am avidly searching for a cheap Kindle. There are about 25 books I would like to read, incredibly nerdy I know. However, this could be my last semester by the beach, so reading on the beach has to be made top priority!
Possibly the best thing to come out of this week, is the starting of the Pangea Club. We formed this as a sort of olive branch of the International Ambassadors. Anyway, I'm super excited to be President of this. For me it's my way of saying thank you for all SBCC has helped me with. In two years, my confidence has grown a lot. I arrived here age eighteen a bit fragile from various traumatic domestic issues, and really quite lost. I don't think two years ago, I would sit down in class and introduce myself to people around me. But over these two years, even with the highs and lows, i've been able to excel socially and academically. So i'd like to help others do this too.
Basically what we want to do is get new International/domestic students meeting each other in an informal setting, asking any advice they need from us as mentors, arranging trips to show them California, and hopefully them go on to be ambassadors. We have lots of exciting ideas of what we would like to do, from sponsoring children in some of our native countries, to bringing in food from wherever is home, play sports (I hope tennis!) and a possible trip to San Diego. If any of the above sounds appealing, we will be at Club Day on the 19th, and we meet EVERY FRIDAY at 2-3pm outside the CC 226, the decking area. Hope to see you there!
I'm up early this morning watching the Rugby because England are playing Scotland in the Six Nations. This is a tournament where England, France, Scotland, Italy and Wales, play each other over six weeks. My family are quite big rugby fans, especially my brother who is incredibly good at it. There are a couple of boys who have made the English squad, who grew up in the same area as me, so we are anxious to support them. It's a bit like American Football, but without pads/any protection, and without any stops. Anyway we are 13-0 up, so we should win! Weather still looks gross back home, the stadium pitch is so muddy, and the clouds look really grey. I also hear SBCC has a really good rugby team, learn something new everyday. Below is the song that every English fan holds very dear!

Basically what we want to do is get new International/domestic students meeting each other in an informal setting, asking any advice they need from us as mentors, arranging trips to show them California, and hopefully them go on to be ambassadors. We have lots of exciting ideas of what we would like to do, from sponsoring children in some of our native countries, to bringing in food from wherever is home, play sports (I hope tennis!) and a possible trip to San Diego. If any of the above sounds appealing, we will be at Club Day on the 19th, and we meet EVERY FRIDAY at 2-3pm outside the CC 226, the decking area. Hope to see you there!
What do you love about SBCC?
Enter in a fabulous competition, simply by taking a picture of ANYTHING you love about SBCC. Post it to Instagram.
Hashtag: #sbcclove
The winning picture will be chosen on THURSDAY at 3pm. Your winning picture will then be posted on the official SBCC Facebook page on Valentines Day!
So get snapping!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Into Week Two
Hello all,
Hope everyone is settling back into school life. I am absolutely LOVING the sun, have to be careful not to send any pictures back home of the beautiful blue sky. The change from England to here, after any break is quite odd. I have to remember to change my vocabulary and try not to use too many really English words!
Sometimes the start of a new term can be quite overwhelming. I was really excited to get back here, I literally love learning, think I could be in school forever. Even though I'm not doing any Political Science this semester, I think this semester will be interesting in different ways. I can relax a bit more (I hope!), use different parts of my brain and pursue classes that I may not take again. So far, Statistics is my favorite.. I never thought I would say I liked Maths! However, the Professor is really nice, I understand it which makes a change, and it is quite interesting.
I also found enlightening, my Geography Professor was saying that Geography is rarely taught in High Schools in California. He is anxious to teach the class where things are in the world. I don't mind this, I like learning about other countries. I felt quite lucky i'd had about ten years of Geography classes throughout my education, and I hope that more children are taught more about the world eventually. For my Sociology homework, we had to go to a public place and just observe what was going on, for ten minutes. I went to my local Starbucks and it was actually so hard! You could not think or do anything, you just had to people watch, without judging, and see peoples reactions to you. You notice how all your mind wants to do is think!
I can't get back into cooking after my mums lovely meals for six weeks. So I have been going out to eat so much! Some friends and I went to the Hollister Brewery in Camino Real Marketplace on Friday, actually really nice. I am loving the portion size over here. The Ambassadors also held a BBQ for new International students to enjoy on Friday. It was nice to catch up with the ambassadors, and welcome new students.
I very much liked the Superbowl advert below, I miss my dog everyday. Mind you, my mum said she ran away today and was picked up by a stranger who took her to a shelter! Think my brothers had a mini heart attack. Regardless, I think this advert was the best part of the Superbowl really! Or the David Beckham advert. And the fact my house ordered 'Wings', another American food I am in love with. My house also enjoys going to the sunset a lot, especially in Isla Vista being right by the beach it is stunning. Pictures below! I have started running again, I did this a lot in England in the rain, but the beach wins every time.
Also, as Private schools may be wanting your applications in any week now, i've been researching International Scholarships.
There are actually a lot on offer, and if you need help at SBCC, my scholarship really helps with tuition.
Here is the link, the deadline is late March:
Hope everyone is settling back into school life. I am absolutely LOVING the sun, have to be careful not to send any pictures back home of the beautiful blue sky. The change from England to here, after any break is quite odd. I have to remember to change my vocabulary and try not to use too many really English words!
Where is this? The Shard The tallest building in England |
I also found enlightening, my Geography Professor was saying that Geography is rarely taught in High Schools in California. He is anxious to teach the class where things are in the world. I don't mind this, I like learning about other countries. I felt quite lucky i'd had about ten years of Geography classes throughout my education, and I hope that more children are taught more about the world eventually. For my Sociology homework, we had to go to a public place and just observe what was going on, for ten minutes. I went to my local Starbucks and it was actually so hard! You could not think or do anything, you just had to people watch, without judging, and see peoples reactions to you. You notice how all your mind wants to do is think!
I can't get back into cooking after my mums lovely meals for six weeks. So I have been going out to eat so much! Some friends and I went to the Hollister Brewery in Camino Real Marketplace on Friday, actually really nice. I am loving the portion size over here. The Ambassadors also held a BBQ for new International students to enjoy on Friday. It was nice to catch up with the ambassadors, and welcome new students.
I very much liked the Superbowl advert below, I miss my dog everyday. Mind you, my mum said she ran away today and was picked up by a stranger who took her to a shelter! Think my brothers had a mini heart attack. Regardless, I think this advert was the best part of the Superbowl really! Or the David Beckham advert. And the fact my house ordered 'Wings', another American food I am in love with. My house also enjoys going to the sunset a lot, especially in Isla Vista being right by the beach it is stunning. Pictures below! I have started running again, I did this a lot in England in the rain, but the beach wins every time.
There are actually a lot on offer, and if you need help at SBCC, my scholarship really helps with tuition.
Here is the link, the deadline is late March:
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