I thought for this post I would tell you a bit about who I live with. This way, you can get to know me better and what my life is like. Last year as I explained in a previous post, I lived at
Trop with three of my current roommates. So in my house we have: Kessler from Livermore in the Bay Area, Kristen from Encinitas, San Diego, Shannon from New Jersey and Dayna from upstate New York.
The House at Kristens family restaurant 'Luria' |
We spent the whole year at Trop hearing horror stories of roommate drama, but I guess we were extremely lucky to be put together. For sure, we have our ups and downs, but we literally have become a family.
Shannon and I shared a room last year. We are actually really quite different in our lifestyle choices but I never felt judged or anything by what I did. As the year grew it became apparent that whilst we were different in what we chose to do on the weekends, we were extremely similar in other ways. We have such a similar sense of humor. I spent nearly every night in tears of laughter and she is extremely kind and wise beyond her years. She also visited me in England this summer and we had a lovely time .
Shannon in London- Westminster Abbey |
Kessler I didn't live with last year, but we became really close and I went to her house for Thanksgiving. She is the most brilliant artist, extremely kind and sweet. Unfortunately we had an attempted break in last weekend. Whereby the person removed my screens and windows. Luckily Kessler was here with her boyfriend. He saw the intruder just as the perpetrator was attempting to climb in. This has made us all quite wary, but our landlord was really sweet and made sure added safety measures were put in place.
The Weeknd |
Kristen is literally me but raised in America. She is really ambitious, loves to go out, has a dry sense of humor and works really hard.
Dayna is the final piece to our puzzle. She has a great sense of humor always telling amusing anecdotes, and we always, always have the same boy issues. Unfortunately, she will be leaving us at Christmas to return home. She has completed her general requirements, and has to wait to be placed into her Radiography program at SBCC, which may take up to two years. She is going to be greatly missed, but we are making the most of our time left. We just went to see The
Weeknd the other weekend, who was absolutely incredible.
So there we have it, my Isla Vista family. Having roommates has taught me a lot, they will irritate you at times but they will also make you laugh a lot. It's an important skill and a life lesson to be able to live with people. It
is strange how just a year ago none of us had ever met. I feel very lucky to have met four best friends for life!
All the Trop roommates- Dayna and Kristen are either side of me