It's actually been a really crazy week and weekend, I hope next weekend is a little more relaxing! This week I had two midterms and a paper due, so come Friday I was a bit dead. On Friday evening it was the Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony. This is an
honor's society for two
year CC's created to recognize and encourage scholarship for students. I was really happy that I was selected this semester because I found last semester really tough and had to work really hard for my GPA to be high. On arrival there were quite a few of us being initiated and lots of family and friends supporting everyone. Two of my closest friends here were also joining the society, and it was a nice excuse to get dressed up and be recognized for our hard work. Personally, I think joining Phi Theta Kappa is going to be
really helpful because of the scholarship opportunities they offer for four year schools. So we shall see how it goes!

Saturday morning was the 'Day of Caring' at school. This
was a volunteer opportunity just to really help out at school with the gardens. The International Ambassadors were encouraged to do this and my roommates also wanted to help out. I actually had no idea that SBCC had any gardens, but they are actually so pretty. Really encourage you to take a walk through, they also have fruit growing and seem so well kept. We spent the morning weeding the beds. I never ever garden so this is a new experience for me, even though my mum is a landscape designer! We had quite good fun, it's nice to feel like you are giving something back to the school. The organizers were really happy because so many of us turned up to volunteer,
i'd happily go again.
Saturday night my friends launched their clothing line with a launch party, it is called Mystic Sea. They are making casual wear for boys. Here is their Facebook page, the clothes are also really really cheap. https://www.facebook.com/Mysticseaclothing?ref=profile or follow them on Instagram: Mysticsea_
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