Hi all,
Hope you enjoyed the warm weather this weekend.

On Saturday saw the return of the Volleyball tournament that the Ambassadors organize. With 20 teams playing on West Beach from a vast array of countries it was set to be a really good event. Unfortunately, the City managed to double book the tournament, which meant the teams could not play until 2pm when original start time was 11. The teams were all contacted but loads of ambassadors were there standing around for a few hours. But the tournament got
under way, dominos pizza was handed out, I was keeping score of a few games. But my main purpose was trying to get feedback from the event. We always want to know how the ambassadors can improve, how we can be more efficient and how we can ensure people are meeting other people. I was also
interviewing on camera for the international office who are creating a video to show at
the weeks of welcome for new students. It's really great to hear how positive people are about their CC experience.
Especailly international students who all said how they have found CC really welcoming, met lots of people and are really enjoying their time here. The majority of spectators said that they come to a lot of ambassador events, and really wanted us to put on a few more events.
There definitely a lot of constructive and positive feedback given. I also am trying to fundraiser for World Visions relief effort for Syrian children, so I put a donation box at the check-in table and a few leaflets about it. A few of my friends also payed a visit to the tournament and soaked up the sun. I headed home a bit weary, 10 hours after leaving the house and pretty

I am really enjoying being President of Pangea Club. The club has really grown, we have maybe 25/30 members now. It's pretty informal, more of a meet and greet than anything else but the hour is full of
ice-breakers. I usually start
with informing anyone who wants to join the ambassadors about events coming up and where to apply to be an ambassador. Then move onto
ice-breakers, most are just to get people talking,
luckily we have such diversity it is not just international students at all. I feel like a real support network is being created,
i'm hoping before I leave to do a few sessions on
advise for school life and to celebrate
everyones different cultures. We will be doing this the Friday after Spring Break with a sort of 'show and tell' idea happening. Every month is the language mixer where you can sit at any table and talk in whatever language you want to learn, this had a huge turn out last week so hopefully in a few weeks it will be the same. I feel like
i'm learning a lot of leadership and organizational skills, it is down to me to sort things and ensure that hour is as effective as possible.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pangea-Club-SBCC/584050101672893 And this could not be more true...
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