Saturday, April 26, 2014

I didn't think I could have anymore great news..

Firstly thank you everyone for your support about my last post, I really really appreciate everyone's kind words. Today I found out something I did not see happening in my wildest dreams. I had been accepted to UCLA and there was just one school remaining. I had completely ruled out ever, ever getting in, especially for Political Science, the most renowned major at this school. Then today, I checked my status and I have been accepted to UC Berkeley's Political Science program. I am speechless, as you saw in my last post I was ecstatic at being accepted to UCLA. Now, my mums former school, a school I thought would never,ever take me, that was so unreachable I was not sure I should even apply, but they have offered me a place for Fall 2014. Wow. I guess dreams do really come true, so now where to go? I never ever thought I would be in this position. I know people say, they thought they would not get in anywhere, but I really didn't. For now, I am just going to celebrate my admittance to UCSB, UCB, UCLA, UCSD and UCD!

Onto Coachella, that was an incredible weekend. If you can ever afford the $$$$$$ of dollars it costs to go, go! I hate camping, I am the biggest princess but I managed to survive, with only one minor breakdown! There was no mirror :( I forgot a mirror, and I realized I couldn't straighten my hair for 4 days! But it was worth it. My favorite people to see were Disclosure, Flume, Pharrell Williams because he brought on Jay-z, Lana Del Rey, Ellie Goulding, Rudimental, Calvin Harris, Foster the People and Lorde. Actually I could go on, but then i'd list everyone we saw. But i've been to festivals before, but Coachella is different, it has the most amazing art. The imagination and time that has gone into it is amazing. It was pretty nice to sit in the shade and just watch the lights change color, or the huge robot move around the polo field. It really adds something to the atmosphere, especially when it is so so hot. It was really bizarre how many international people there were, the majority were British so that was really nice! I definitely want to return next year, now I know I can handle the camping. A truly incredible weekend, and a really amazing period of my life at the moment. Even though I returned from Coachella, voiceless and exhausted,  I am on cloud nine! I can't believe there is less than a month left and so much has happened, so much that I didn't think could happen or would. I am going to need a few days for everything to sink in.

Tomorrow is the annual International Ambassador Soccer Tournament, there is meant to be a lot of teams playing so that will be exciting. I hope to attend for a few hours and part of my job will be handing out this survey. This is what the International Studies Association and Pangea Club have been working on for weeks, to look at the relationship of International students and domestic students. If you have a spare moment, please take it! Oh and below my favorite the British boys that are Disclosure, featuring Mary J Blige.

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